
Ryan Cathey, P.E., ENV-SP


Education | Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Montana State University

Certifications | Registered P.E. - UT | Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, ENV-SP

Affiliations | American Society of Civil Engineers

Ryan serves as Principal-in-Charge for each of Talisman’s projects. He leads our project teams through the oversight of project decisions to ensure the achievement of project requirements and our clients’ most ambitious of goals. Ryan continually monitors each assignment, commits team resources to maintain an outstanding service level, and will attend and co-lead meetings during critical project transitions. Ryan negotiates contracts, coordinates project legal issues, and is responsible for project accounting, including managing design budget and client billing, project construction cost estimating, assisting clients in bidding, recommending awards, contract execution, and recommending contractors’ applications for payment.

Ryan is one of very few professionals in Utah to have achieved certification as an Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV-SP) from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s Envision Rating System. This is just one small demonstration of Ryan’s passion for sustainable infrastructure design and low-impact, urbanized development, as we use this rating system to increase the sustainability of each and every one of our infrastructure projects.

“Forming Talisman and watching it grow and develop has been one of the most satisfying things that I have ever done. It is extremely exciting to see the growth of the company and each of the individuals who are so integral to who we are."